4 effective upper body workouts

4 effective upper body workouts

There are fundamentals that we all need to have in our lives. While working and food are necessary, exercising your body is equally important. Apart from keeping you in shape, it is also a great way to relieve stress.

Some workouts focus on specific regions, and the best way to go about it is on a fixed schedule. Reserve two days of the week for a particular region and focus on it. This is bound to give you excellent results. Many fitness experts come up with all kinds of workout routines. But there are some basic exercises that are common in most of the workout routines. With a slight variation, the same workout can be done by both women and men. While it is best to exercise in the guidance of a fitness trainer, once you are familiar with the routines, you can do it yourself.

The upper part of the body requires independent focus. Concentrating on these regions will show an improvement after a few days of intense workout.

Here are some of the best upper body workouts that you should consider.

Plank row and rotate

One of the best upper body workouts, this exercise affects your abs, biceps, triceps, chest, and shoulders. It’s quite simple, and you can master it in barely a few days.

Begin with the push-up position. Straighten your body by balancing it on your hands and heels. Move your feet wider than your shoulder length.

Keep your hips in level and lift your hand up from the floor. Bend your left elbow and place your hands parallel to your shoulder.

Then go back to the initial position and repeat the same from right to left.

Complete two sets of 10 reps by alternating sides.

Dip kick

The targets of these exercises are triceps, upper back, and shoulders. Sit on the floor and bend your knees. Keep your feet straight on the floor. Move your torso back by 45 degrees and keep your palms on the floor in line with your shoulders with your fingers facing outward.

Now bring your left knee to your chest and place your left foot on top of your right knee.

Now bend your elbows behind you and lift your hips by a few inches.

Pilates press

This particular exercise targets abs, biceps, triceps, chest, back, and shoulders. It is one of the best upper body workouts.

Start this exercise with the push-up position. Balance your body on your hands and toes while keeping your knees on the floor.

Now bend your right knee by 90 degrees so that your toes point upward.

Also, bend your elbows and keep your arms close to your body while lowering yourself toward the floor.

Complete ten reps of this exercise and switch legs while doing so. Do two sets of this exercise.

Strap happy shaper

This exercise aims to tone abs, middle back, and shoulders.

Start in the plank position and balance body on your forearms. Clasp your hands together and move forward until your face is almost touching the floor.

Press your shoulders back to return to start position and start again.

Complete two sets of 10 reps.

These best upper body workouts are elementary and can be done at home only. It’ll only be useful if you do all the exercises in entirety. The best time to do them is a few hours before a meal.

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