5 Human Foods That are Unsafe for Cats

5 Human Foods That are Unsafe for Cats

Although it may be tempting to provide our cat companions with a treat that we love to indulge in, giving cats human food does more harm than good. It can lead to pet obesity, because cats don’t need to consume as much food as we do. You could make your cat ill if they have a food allergy and allergic response to the human food you have given them. 
The best cat food is made from wholesome ingredients. A lot of cat owners recommend Iams cat foods. Here are five human foods that are toxic and unsafe for cats

1. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic are extremely toxic for cats. They can destroy a cat’s red blood cells because of the disulfide and thiosulphate compounds present in them. They can also cause damage and failure in their organs. If consumed a cat may become weak and develop symptoms of toxicity, like vomiting

2. Grapes and raisins
Though there is no current knowledge as to why, grapes and raisins are known to cause kidney failure in cats. They can make a cat very ill. Symptoms that may follow if these foods are consumed include: diarrhea, stomach pain and vomiting

3. Raw eggs and raw meat and bones
Raw meat and eggs are known to cause salmonella poisoning if consumed, and that is still true for cats. It can also damage and affect the coat and skin of your cat companion if consumed. Bones should be avoided because they can damage a cat’s teeth and may cause them to choke if consumed

4. Chocolate
Though chocolate is known as a sweet treat, it is deadly for cats. The theobromine and caffeine that is present in this food is very toxic to cats and should be avoided. It can cause your cat to fall ill and develop symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and a high temperature. Though dark chocolate is known to be the worst kind for your cat to consume, all kinds of chocolate should be completely avoided

5. Caffeine
Caffeine is a very toxic chemical for cats and is present in cocoa products as well. Cats are very sensitive to this toxic chemical and it wouldn’t take very much for them to begin to feel ill, and develop signs of toxicity. Some of the symptoms of poisoning include seizures and tremors in cats

Though it may be tempting to give your cat a treat, please keep in mind that human food can be extremely toxic to your cat companion and should be avoided. It may feel as though you’re rewarding your cat, but in fact, you’re harming them instead.