5 Tested Ways to Quit Smoking
Giving up smoking takes more than a desire to quit. It takes a solid game plan, and people that have given thought to quitting are going to benefit greatly from things like nicotine patches and gum that can curb the desire for a cigarette. Some people stop smoking simply because of their health while others are encouraged by family members to stop out of health concerns. Here are fives methods to quit smoking for good:
1. Smoking cessation programs
Smoking cessation programs are a great way to put things into perspective when it comes to establishing reasons for giving up cigarettes. So many people have that desire for nicotine but listing reasons to stop smoking can reinforce the desire to make a change. In many instances people are conflicted because they have been smoking for so long unconsciously. There are people that smoke cigarettes by the pack and they never think about issues with their health or the large sums of money that they’re spending. When smokers take a conscious approach with smoking cessation programs they can connect with a group. They can get with more people that are going to be able to provide insight on how you can stop smoking.
2. Nicotine replacement aids
It should come as no surprise to most people that nicotine is the thing that is driving the addiction. Those that have nicotine cravings are going to find it hard to quit cold turkey. They may need an alternative that provides nicotine without utilizing cigarettes. This is where nicotine patches, lozenges, and nicotine gum come into the picture. These are great products that allow people to get their nicotine needs satisfied in smaller amounts, without smoking a cigarette.
3. Avoiding other smokers
It has been said that birds of a feather flock together. This certainly rings true for those that are socializing with other smokers. Someone that is trying to give up smoking is going to have a much harder time when they are constantly part of a social group of smokers. It is much easier to avoid smokers altogether than it is to avoid smoking when in the presence of others that smoke. That is the temptation that smokers should bypass. If they can get away from smokers and the smell of cigarette smoke, they are going to be less likely to think about having a cigarette themselves.
4. Cutting down gradually
Sometimes it works well to just cut down the number of cigarettes that are being smoked. This is a small step in the right direction. It is very commendable for those that try to stop smoking cold turkey, but it usually leads to a relapse because it is such a strong move from one direction to another. Those that have found it difficult to simply cut out smoking through discipline should take the small or steps to smoke fewer cigarettes. Smokers that quit smoking with nicotine gum can minimize daily cigarette intake and eventually stop altogether.
5. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that works by bringing balance and regulation to the natural energy flow within the body. Acupuncture is about aligning inner energy in order to reduce smoking cravings while minimizing nicotine withdrawal naturally. Acupuncture brings calm to the body and mind and ease anxiety and strengthen willpower, while supporting lung health and cleansing nicotine from the body.
The great thing about giving up smoking is that there are a multitude of options to explore. Nicotine gum works well for many people. Others may avoid the nicotine gum, but they may get with groups where they talk about the reasons that smoking is a bad idea is no longer a viable option. Some people mix and match multiple methods to improve their success rates for quitting.