6 Signs an Oil Change is Needed

6 Signs an Oil Change is Needed

Engine oil is an essential component of the vehicle since the engine cannot operate without suitable oil. Without adequate oil, the engine and car’s moving parts will not be lubricated, and therefore they will not correctly function. An engine is made up of various parts that constantly rub against each other creating friction and heat.
Consequently, you need to change your oil regularly to prevent wear and tear due to friction. But how do you know that your engine oil needs to be changed? The following six signs from your vehicle will indicate that the engine oil needs to be changed

1. The check engine or oil change light is on
The car itself will alert you that there is a problem with engine oil. When there is no oil in the system, the check engine or oil change light on your car will illuminate. You should use the dipstick to check the level of the oil. You should add oil immediately to reduce the risk of damage due to insufficient lubrication

2. Engine noise
Engine oil prevents the moving parts of the car from rubbing against each other, making the engine to be quiet. Therefore, when there is not enough oil in your engine, the moving parts will rub against each other and produce noise. When you hear a rumbling sound, know it’s time to add engine oil to prevent further damage immediately

3. Dark or dirty oil
If your engine oil is dark and dirty, you may consider changing it as clean oil is translucent and amber in color. The used oil turns black due to the particles collected from the car’s moving parts during the lubrication process. You can dip the dipstick in your engine oil and if you can’t see it through the oil, know it is time to change it

4. Oily smell in the car
Do you smell oil while inside your car? It may mean that there is an oil leak in your engine. This is so also if you smell exhaust fumes or gas in the car as it means that the engine is overheating due to poor lubrication. In either case, you need to schedule maintenance immediately to avert further damages

5. Exhaust smoke
An excellent operating engine with enough engine oil should never produce smoke through the exhaust. Well, it’s normal for the engine to produce some translucent vapor that comes out through the car tailpipe, but this should never change to smoke. If it happens, it means that you may be having an oil leak, and therefore, you should immediately consult professionals such as ford synthetic oil change coupon for specialized maintenance

6. Excessive mileage
It would help if you considered changing your engine oil after traveling a lot of miles. Different cars operate differently, but in most cases, you need to change your engine oil after about 3,000 miles or every three months. However, if your car is new, it may require an oil change every six months or after every 6 000 miles covered. Firestone coupons oil change has the best mileage oil for both new and old vehicles

If you want to keep your car well maintained for a long time, you need to change its engine oil constantly. Surprisingly, this important car maintenance process is simple and inexpensive. Replacing the used oil with high-quality oil prevents wear and tear, ensuring that you are safe down the road.