Amazing health benefits of drinking beer

Amazing health benefits of drinking beer

Beer is a popular alcoholic beverage that is made of hops, barley, water, and yeast. It is the fermentation process that gives beer its distinct taste as well as renders it varied health benefits. Having a good amount of protein and Vitamin B6, beer also contains certain minerals that play a vital role in regulating metabolic process. Moreover, hops contain flavonoids and potent antioxidants that mitigate the risk of free radical damage.

Beer intake in moderation offers the following health benefits.

Protects the heart

The buildup of cholesterol along the artery walls can cause blockages, leading to heart diseases. Beer contains Vitamin B6 that inhibits the accumulation of homocysteine. Clots in arteries is also prevented. Inflammation in arteries can lead to atherosclerosis. Studies have found that a moderate intake of beer lowers the risk of inflammation.

Prevents cancer

A pint of beer can help you beat cancer. Beer contains polyphenols that help fight cancer. Hops are used in brewing beer and contain a flavonoid compound “xanthohumol” that plays a vital role in the chemoprevention of cancer.

Gastrointestinal tract cleanser

Beer, which is made of grains such as barley, hops, and rice, is a good source of soluble fiber. Including adequate amount of soluble fiber in your diet helps keep the gastrointestinal tract clean, thereby promoting overall health.

Prevents gallstone formation

It is not uncommon to see people suffering from gallstones. Many doctors opt to surgically remove the gallbladder in people who are prone to repeated gallstone formation. Drinking beer helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well as reducing bile concentration, thus decreasing the risk of gallstone formation.

Prevents anemia

The deficiency of Vitamin B12 and folic acid can lead to anemia, a condition in which hemoglobin levels in the blood are extremely low. Beer contains Vitamin B12 as well as folic acid. Women are more prone to contract anemia than men. A glass of beer can help them beat this condition. Vitamin B12 is also necessary for improving memory and concentration, in addition to ensuring normal growth.

Lowers blood pressure

Stress is an inherent part of our lives, which can sometimes result in the abnormal rise of blood pressure. However, the solution is simple. You can lower your blood pressure by ordering a mug of beer at the pub rather than a glass of whisky or rum.

Increases bone density

As you age, your bone density decreases. As a result, you become prone to fractures and osteoporosis. To help increase bone density, you can have beer, in moderation of course.

In addition to the above points, drinking beer improves digestion, delays aging, prevents dementia, and reduces the risk of kidney stones. Beer has a diuretic effect as well. So, the next time you want your fix of alcohol, go for a mug of beer.

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