Cardio – Your regime for staying fit
Cardio is nothing but a form of exercise that increases your heart rate and helps you lose weight. It is the basic exercise that you are asked to start with while at the gym. It is one of the most popular exercises to increase your metabolism and thereby to increase your energy levels. Once your metabolism level increases, the heart and lungs also work efficiently, and the quality of life is improved. This also enhances your body to fight any disease or sickness. It can help you manage stress and not be worked up in tough situations.
There are different cardio workouts that can help you increase metabolism and reduce weight:
This is the simplest and the most efficient way to cardio. It is nothing but fast-paced walking for 45-60 minutes every day. This improves your blood flow and heart rate.
The benefits of running are similar to walking. The only difference is that running will help reduce weight at a faster pace and the calorie burnt after every run is much more than the calorie burnt after every walk.
Cycling is one of the most effective cardio, as it reaches the muscles of the legs and helps to evaluate the weight. The advantage with cycling is that it can be done inside the house and outside at any time of the day.
Swimming is regarded an effective exercise overall for the entire body. It not only increases the pace of your heartbeat and lungs but floating and treading water stretches different kinds of muscles and helps you burn calories, keeping you fit and healthy.
Cardio benefits you in different ways, and some of them are mentioned below:
Weight loss
One obvious benefit of cardio is weight loss. The different exercises burn calories, resulting in consistent weight loss. In the gym, cardio is the most basic and best exercise to start with.
Increased bone density
One other benefit of cardio is that it increases the bone density. Because cardio stretches the muscles and pushes them to work better, it increases the bone strength more than normal.
Reduced heart risk
Cardio increases and improves the heart rate. Due to intense exercise, the blood flow to your body increases that results in a physically active body and heart. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack and heart diseases.
One major lookout before starting cardio is not to start it all of a sudden. Your body might not be able to take the pressure. It’s wise to start small and continue it consistently; then go big. Walking is the easiest way to start, after which you could move to running and other intense exercises. A healthy lifestyle can take you a long way!