Foods that Can Trigger an Asthma Attack
Asthma can literally take your breath away. This condition results often when the body is hypersensitive to certain elements like food, dander, pollen, dust mites, weather, and even exercise. The result of exposure to these elements triggers an asthma attack, or the narrowing of the airways. This constriction leads to over production of mucus that leads to wheezing and/ or paroxysm of coughing that just won’t stop, which makes breathing very difficult. Each asthmatic patient is different because their asthma flare-ups are caused by various triggers that the immune system reacts to. Some are more sensitive to certain elements than others (i.e., temperature, foods, etc.). In general, there are often certain foods that can trigger an asthma attack, so it is best to avoid them. Also, always be sure to have your asthma inhaler nearby to relieve any issues from sudden exposure. Consider avoiding the following food items below: 1. Eggs Eggs are one of the well-known allergies causing foods, especially in children. The protein in the eggs are touted for triggering an allergic reaction, which can lead to skin hives or asthma. In fact, eggs are considered so potent that you are advised to delay giving these to babies less than 12 months old.