The Common Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is characterized by a man’s inability to get and maintain an erection for intercourse. Research from the Cleveland Clinic (CC) estimates that erectile dysfunction is experienced by 40% of males over age 40, and 70% of males 70-years of age and older. The CC also notes that males with other existing health conditions (i.e., diabetes and heart disease) are often more prone to impotence. While the majority of men will experience erectile issues infrequently, impotence is not considered an issue that requires medical attention unless it becomes a regular occurrence. Ongoing erectile problems can indicate an underlying health issue (i.e., endocrine disease, such as diabetes and neurologic conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease). Also, impotence can lead to undue anxiety and significantly impact a patient’s self esteem and personal relationships. The most common and ongoing symptoms of erectile dysfunction include: 1. Difficulty getting and maintaining an erection 2. Other sexual issues — including delayed or premature ejaculation. 3. Decreased sexual libido — or loss of interest in intimacy. If you suffer from these symptoms frequently, talk to your family doctor. As mentioned, several underlying health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, depression, and diabetes, as well as the medications used to treat these conditions, can cause erectile issues to occur and may be the first indicator that your health is compromised.