Foods That Don’t Need Refrigeration
Refrigeration is extremely important for food safety and preservation. Refrigeration works in complex ways, but in general it’s meant to slow down the activity of bacteria, keeping the food you buy fresher and extending the shelf life. This technology has helped us learn more about food safety and transportation. With refrigeration, we can carry fruits and vegetables across countries to other parts. In times before refrigeration, food items like fruits or vegetables would have a tough time making the long distance journey across the country without spoiling. With refrigeration and refrigerated trucks we’re able to preserve and transport these goods easily. However, there are some food times that are easily stored and don’t require refrigeration. Here are six foods that don’t require refrigeration 1. Hot sauce or chili pepper sauces Hot sauce is a popular condiment that is found in many kitchens throughout the world. Hot sauce is great because it goes with so many common meals like chicken, beef, or fish. Hot sauce doesn’t need to be refrigerated because most hot sauces contain a lot of vinegar and a lot of salt, which helps reduce the growth of bacteria already 2. Avocados Avocados have boomed in popularity throughout the last decade.