Colorectal cancer – everything you need to know

Colorectal cancer – everything you need to know

The large intestine is also called as the colon and the cancer that affects the rectum or the colon is called colorectal cancer. When cells begin to uncontrollably grow in the large intestine, it is a case of colorectal cancer. There are different kinds of colorectal cancers: the cancer cells that may affect inside the colon, the cancer cells that may affect the wall of colon, the cancer cells that may affect the blood vessels of the colon and then spread heavily, and the cancer cells that may start with the nodes of the digestive system that can affect the colon, which is the final part of the digestive tract.

There are many symptoms of colon cancer, but they are generally nonspecific in nature. Some of these are difficulties in breathing that include weakness or shortness of breath, bone and abdominal pain, sudden loss of weight, change in the bowel movements and the appearance of blood in the urine. The symptoms differ from people to people, depending on the severity of cancer and other factors such as age and lifestyle. It is always better to see a doctor if you have are doubtful about the symptom, and a thorough medical checkup after the age of 50 years is considered compulsory. There are many causes of colorectal cancer, and here are the top causes.


Cancer is passed on from generation to generation, which changes the DNA inside our cells. We have different cells that perform different functions in our digestive system. One type of inherited colorectal cancer affects the APC gene that is in charge of the cell growth in the body. Similarly, the cells that are in charge of cell break and cell divide in the large intestine are also affected. When these genes are affected, it disturbs the normalcy in the intestinal system and leads to cancer.


This type of colorectal cancer is not inherited but acquired during a person’s life. Acquired colorectal cancer is due to many risks factors such as obesity that can lead to risk of generation of cells in the large intestine, being physically inactive can also cause colorectal cancer, diets that are high in red meat can lead to problems in the large intestine, smoking and heavy alcohol drinking are the two major causes of acquired colorectal cancer.

There are medications available up to stage three for colorectal cancer. If not, surgery is also an alternative. The surgery involves removing the tumors in and surrounding the large intestine, followed by chemotherapy that prevents further generation of cancerous cell. However, colorectal cancer can be easily prevented as it is associated with the large intestine, which has much to do with the eating and drinking habits of a person. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding smoking and drinking will easily prevent colorectal cancer.

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