Common sports injuries and recovery that you need to know

Common sports injuries and recovery that you need to know

Without getting into any generalization, it has been proven repeatedly that while men and women do enjoy playing sports or watching sports, the interest in sports is much higher in men, possibly on account of their special testosterone driven genetic makeup. The competitive nature of most sports that brings with it a certain adrenaline rush is usually enjoyed and sought after by men.

It goes without saying that sports injuries are also common for a variety of reasons ranging from an inadvertent accident while playing or due to lack of warm up and preparation.

Here are some of the most common sport injuries and recovery guidelines.

Achilles tendonitis is an extremely common sport injury, especially among runners and athletes. This is caused by a rupture of the Achilles tendon and can be very painful. The region around the Achilles tendon swells and prevents free movement. It usually takes several months for a torn Achilles tendon to heal and possibly as much as a year or more for the athlete to return to his/her previous level of performance. In very serious cases, surgery to repair the torn tendon may be recommended, and recovery is contingent upon proper adherence to physical therapy as well as rehabilitation.

Muscle strain or muscle sprain is also a very common sport injury, and recovery from such injuries is usually possible in a few weeks with adequate rest. Sprains and strains usually happen when the muscle ligaments are overstretched. Icing the area will ease the inflammation. Most doctors may prescribe a mild pain killer and rest. Usually, since the knees and ankles are the joints that bear the weight, rest is essential in recovery as even walking for a small distance can exert strain on muscles that are already fatigued. Simple exercises may also be done to prevent any reduction in joint mobility.

In baseball, soccer, hockey, and football, a commonly occurring sport injury is groin pull, and this should normally subside by using a cold compress on the affected area and some rest. If the swelling persists, it would be advisable to consult a physician.

A hamstring pull is another commonly occurring sport injury, and recovery from an over stretched hamstring requires adequate stretch. Ideally, the hamstrings need to be given complete rest and re-injuries are very common when men get back to playing without allowing full recovery to happen.

Shin splints are usually characterized by pain running down the front of the leg from the knees downward. Recovery is normally hastened with the application of a cold compress and rest.

Most sport injuries are caused due to pushing oneself beyond one’s limit and inadequate preparation. Hence, a large portion of sports injuries can be avoided with a proper diet and a disciplined exercise regimen.

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