Diseases you should Beware of While Travelling

Diseases you should Beware of While Travelling

Taking a vacations always sounds like an exciting affair. However, there is more to vacations than just finding the right hotels at cheap rates and visiting local attractions and tasting the regional cuisines. Staying fit, safe, and healthy is probably the most crucial aspect that can help you to make the most out of your trip.

While on vacation, no matter how much you enjoy and relax, some of the common diseases are something you will never want to contact and bring back home as memories.

Given below are the diseases you don’t want to bring home from travel.

  • The warm wet tropical and the subtropical regions are known for their various mosquito triggered ailments such as malaria and dengue. This disease is also commonly known as bone breaking fever. These are ailments that are caused due to mosquito bites and are definitely some of the diseases you don’t want to bring home from travel. In both the cases, you can have a high fever, with nauseating feel. You can suffer from a harsh body ache that can make the pain excruciating. The fever can occur within one to two weeks from the insect bite. In many cases, if not treated well these common diseases like dengue and malaria have even caused a significant number of deaths.
  • There are a large number of water-generated diseases such as diarrhea. You can easily contract these diseases through consumption of infected water. Hence, whatever you do, please do not be adventurous or simply careless with the quality of the water that you drink. No matter how clean and dependable a natural source of water looks, please do not drink from it since it can end up you spending most of the time in your washroom. These diseases can be extremely annoying and can also continue for a while.
  • Hepatitis A is yet again another disease that can be commonly contracted through consumption of unclean food and water. A large number of such cases have been reported in Mexico and Colorado. This is, however, an ailment that is preventable through a vaccine.
  • Hepatitis B is transmitted through infected blood and bodily fluids, typically by having unprotected intercourse with an infected partner, but hep B can also be contracted by sharing hypodermic needles, tattoo equipment, razors, or other personal hygiene tools (i.e., nail trimmers) with an infected individual. Sources of caution are getting piercings or tattoos or even getting acupuncture if you’re uncertain of the cleanliness of the establishment or the proper sterilization of the equipment. Safe and effective vaccines to protect you against hepatitis B are available by your doctor prior to travel.
  • Hepatitis C can also be transmitted via infected blood with an already infected individual. Possible scenarios for contraction during travel may include sexual activities with a hep C positive individual. As well as sharing drug paraphernalia (i.e., needles), blood transfusions with unscreened blood, or getting tattoos and piercings with non-sterile equipment (i.e., acupuncture, dental procedures). Basically it’s unsafe to share any devices that can break the skin with a stranger. Although there is no vaccine to prevent hep C during travel, those who experience tell tale symptoms (i.e, jaundice of the skin and eyes, stomach pain, appetite loss, chronic fatigue, nausea, and dark colored urine) should seek immediate treatment to prevent serious liver disease (i.e., liver failure, cancer, or cirrhosis).
  • There are various vector-borne diseases and bacteria-borne ailments such as swimmer’s itch, which are the diseases that you don’t want to bring home from travel. You must stay away from adventurous dips into ponds and lakes no matter how tempting they look.

In short, you must be responsible for all your enjoyment and take good care of your health. Now that you know these diseases you don’t want to bring home from travel, it is advisable that you take a proper bath in your hotel bathrooms, follow proper sanitation hygiene, drink good quality, bottled water, and eat clean and fresh food to stay healthy and fit while you are on a vacation.

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