E-cigarette facts – learn everything you need

E-cigarette facts – learn everything you need

Cigarette smoking harms not only your lungs but all other organs as well. Many have attempted to kick the butt using nicotine gum; however, whatever said, in any form nicotine is addictive.

E-Cigarettes, or Electronic Cigarettes, are tobacco-free products. Actually, it merely is a vaporizer. An e-liquid is heated by a battery and the liquid vaporizes, which is inhaled by the user. E-cigarettes are the best choice for smokers who want to quit smoking cigarettes without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

How it works

E-cigarettes are powered by a lithium battery. Inside, there is a liquid-filled cartridge and a vaporization chamber. As you puff on, the battery powers the device. The liquid is heated up and the vapor is released. These are smokeless gadgets that neither burn tobacco nor release any carbon monoxide.
E-cigarettes are reusable. Keep their battery charged and you can use them whenever you want. Many of these come with USB chargers as well as car chargers. The cartridges can also be reused. You can either refill an empty cartridge or insert a new cartridge.

Liquid mix

The liquid contained in the E-cigarette cartridge is a mix of nicotine, propylene glycol, flavoring, and other additives. The amount of nicotine content varies on the basis of the brand and the need of the users. For those of you who would like to avoid nicotine, nicotine-free cartridges are also available. All that you inhale is the vaporized flavored liquid. A variety of flavors such as coffee, honey and fried doughnut are available.

Levels of toxicity

E-cigarettes are as equally toxic as regular cigarettes due to the liquid nicotine contained in them. Liquid nicotine is more lethal than the tobacco leaves used in regular cigarettes. Be it regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes, it’s harmful to your health and also those who are around you.

Levels of Safety

The argument in favor of e-cigarettes is that they don’t cause lung cancer. However, e-cigarettes are not 100% safe. E-cigarette users suffer from diminished lung function, airway resistance and cellular changes. Though they might be not that bad enough to cause cancer, as in regular cigarette smokers, E-cigarettes are not too good to be used either. May be once in awhile, it’s good for recreation.

Silver Lining

It’s been quite some time that e-cigarette shave found a place in the market. Though there existed no controls at their advent, currently the FDA has brought E-cigarettes under the Tobacco Regulations. This regulation ensures that E-cigarettes are not sold to persons under 18 years and those under 26 years will be allowed to buy an E-cigarette only with a valid photo ID.

Smoking is injurious to health and it’s in your best interest that you kick the butt. It has been reported that over one-fifth of smokers who chose to quit smoking have tried E-cigarettes.

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