Effective tips to lower high blood pressure

Effective tips to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most common health conditions worldwide. It is also known as hypertension and is caused due to tension or high pressure in the arteries.

A blood pressure reading comprises of two figures. The numerator is known as the systolic blood pressure, which denotes the pressure in the arteries as your heart contracts. The denominator denotes the diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic blood pressure indicates the pressure in the arteries as your heart relaxes.

If your blood pressure reading is above 140/90, then you are suffering from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is harmful to health and may also make you susceptible to severe health conditions like cardiovascular diseases.

Here are some tips which may help you reduce high blood pressure.

Maintain a good health by exercising

Blood pressure conditions are closely associated with weight. Being obese or overweight can interrupt your breathing during sleep and cause your blood pressure to increase.

Obesity is known to cause poor blood circulation. It worsens blood pressure and is harmful to long-term health.

If you are overweight and suffering from hypertension, you should immediately prioritize losing those extra pounds. Maintain good health by exercising regularly like jogging, cycling or brisk walking. Aerobics also helps reduce high blood pressure.

Follow a healthy diet

Exercise should be accompanied by a healthy diet. You can follow Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.

Ensure that you eat 5 to 6 meals (3 full meals and 2 or 3 healthy snacks) per day. Include healthy elements such as fruits, nuts, herbs, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Cut down on your sodium intake and increase potassium food sources for best results. Restrict your sodium intake to 1500 mg or less per day. Eat an adequate quantity of fruits and vegetables for potassium. Avoid processed food as it often contains added sodium.

Consume foods with vitamin C and D

Vitamin C is known to have medicinal value. It helps remove extra sodium from the body and relaxes blood vessels. You can include citrus fruits like orange and lemon, to your diet.

A deficiency of Vitamin D may make you vulnerable to high blood pressure. You should eat cereals that have abundant levels of vitamin D to regulate your blood pressure.

Reduce stress and cut down on alcohol and smoking

Blood pressure worsens due to stress. Try relaxation and stress management activities like yoga, meditation and morning walk. Methods of relaxation such as deep breathing, self-awareness, and acupuncture also help.

You should quit alcohol and smoking, or at least cut down their consumption to a considerable extent. It will help you maintain a healthy blood pressure besides other health benefits.

Lead a healthy life, monitor your blood pressure regularly and seek medical help when necessary.

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