Effective workouts inspired by male celebs

Effective workouts inspired by male celebs

The benefits of working out are known to all. Here are some of the effective exercises and workout tips from male celebs with great bodies.

David Harbour workout for a bulky body

David Harbour is known for his role in Hellboy, a hit franchise that showcased him in a bulky, strong body. Here is the workout routine to get this look.

  • Start with a deadlift and do a set of 5. Repeat this set 5 times.
  • Suitcase crunch while carrying a weight that slightly challenges you. Do a set of 5 and repeat it 5 times over.
  • Bench press for a set of 5 and repeat it 5 times.
  • Kettlebell squat is very helpful for overall strength and tones your arms and legs. Repeat a set of 5 for 5 times.

Jason Bourne-inspired Matt Damon workout

This look can be acquired mainly by doing bodyweight workouts and following the workout tips from male celebs.

Here is the breakup of the same:

  • Start with 300 push ups
  • Continue with 325 pull-ups
  • For leg muscles do 50 squats
  • Follow with additional 50 pistol squats
  • For strength, do 50 squat jumps
  • For toning the body, do 100 crunches

Do not do them continuously. Instead, do small sets repeatedly to achieve the given numbers.

Superman-inspired Henry Cavill workout

Who doesn’t want to look like the Superman? The most iconic superhero after all. Henry Cavill went through a fat-burning workout to get the superhero look. It comprises of regular 3-week routines with increasing intensity.

Here’s what the third week should look like:

  • Day 1: Strength
  • Day 2: Recovery
  • Day 3: Power-endurance
  • Day 4: Recovery
  • Day 5: Strength
  • Day 6: Power-endurance
  • Day 7: Rest/Recovery

Include the corresponding exercises into each day to get a look similar to Henry Cavill.

The Rock-inspired workout tips

If you are a big fan of massive arms, then The Rock should be your idol. You should follow workout tips from male celebs like The Rock. His biceps and triceps workout must be your mantra.

Here are the arm exercises you should focus on:

  • Barbell Bicep Curls: This should be your warm-up; so make sure you keep it light
  • Preacher Curls: You can do sets of these on machines as well
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls
  • Cable Curls: Do them with a wide grip
  • Bicep curls: In seated position
  • Tricep Extensions: Overhead
  • Triceps Push-downs: Normal grip
  • Triceps Push-downs: Narrow grip
  • Tricep Extensions: In lying position, also called skull crushers
  • Dips with triceps

Overall, it is advisable to do loads of isolation movements to get huge arms. For high reps for arms, Dwayne Johnson is known to use the George Farah’s method. So focus on your biceps and triceps to get The Rock look. Keep it light initially and add extra sets as you go on. Make sure you pay equal attention to your triceps and biceps.

There is no single perfect workout, and it depends on what you want to achieve. However, you should follow the workout tips from male celebs, have clear goals, and stick to your routine for best results.

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