Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone mass, making bones brittle and weak. In most cases, osteoporosis wears gradually on bones until fractures occur in the spine, wrist or the hip. Notably, a bone is a living tissue, and if healthy bones are broken, they are usually replenished by new bone. Osteoporosis occurs when the body cannot create new bone.

The symptoms of osteoporosis include bone and back pain, stooped posture and weak bones. The following foods can help ward off osteoporosis development:

1. Sardines with the bones
Sardines are rich in vitamin D and they are a good source of calcium. Sardines are bone boosting minerals since they contain zinc, phosphorous and omega-3 fatty acids which are important in dampening down joint inflammation. Notably, vitamin D found in sardines is essential for bone health given that it helps the body to absorb calcium. You should take at least 10 micrograms of sardines daily to boost the decreasing levels of calcium in the body.

2. Calcium-fortified cottage cheese
Calcium-fortified cottage cheese is rich in relatively low in fat, protein and high in calcium alongside Vitamin A and Vitamin B. The implication in this case is that this is an excellent source of calcium which is vital in bone health hence prevents osteoporosis. This is also important in weight loss.

3. Broccoli and kale
Broccoli and kale are natural common sources of calcium. They are rich in highly absorbable calcium and other essential nutrients for strong bones. Ensure that you introduce broccoli and kale in your diet and eat few servings daily to provide your body with the necessary nutrients it requires to keep your bones strong and healthy.

4. Dried figs
When you are looking for bone-strengthening fruits, ensure that you start with dried figs. Dried figs contain high levels of calcium alongside essential nutrients like magnesium and potassium. Eating dried figs will help your body to keep the bones strong.
Moreover, magnesium helps the body to absorb calcium. Most people lack sufficient amounts of magnesium in the body implying that they have weak bones. Eating dried figs provides the body with magnesium that boosts the absorption of calcium leading to strong and healthy bones.

5. Canned salmon
Canned salmon is rich in vitamin D which is a crucial nutrient that helps the body to absorb and process calcium. Additionally, research shows that 3-ounce of canned salmon contains 20 grams 25 percent and protein in your daily calcium needs.

6. Yogurt and milk
Intake of yoghurt and milk increases the amount of calcium in the body. This is essential in the development of bones. Add plain yoghurt and milk to your diet, they are rich in calcium which makes your bones healthy and strong. Yoghurt also contains lactose which is vital for strong bones.