Foods that help you bulk up

Foods that help you bulk up

Many people find it difficult and frustrating to bulk and gain muscles. This usually is due to following a wrong routine or a routine that is not appropriate for them. Bulking up does not come naturally, and it needs certain sacrifices and strict discipline to follow a strict training regime. The body type and genetic factors of an individual play a major role in fitness, and so does the diet. Following the wrong routine does more harm than good to your body. That being said, only workouts and physical training will not get you the body physique you desire. Nutrition is important and should be strictly followed on a regular basis.
Here are some nutritious foods that will help you bulk up and attain your desired result in no time:


Salmon is full of healthy fat and is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that are healthy and essential for clean bulking. Include salmon in your everyday diet to achieve better results. It also has Omega -3 supplements that will help in the joint care and in the cardiovascular health of your body.


Avocado has the right type of fats that are an essential contributor to healthy bulking. Just like Salmon, Avocado also has monounsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids help prevent the redistribution of body fats and control the building of muscles.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is a great muscle builder. Include coconut milk in your diet in various forms to help the triglycerides in them to aid you bulk up.


Oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates that can really help you bulk up. Oats are a good source of fiber that can not only aid digestion but more importantly also give a sustained release of energy, which is perfect for a pre workout meal.


Quinoa contains starchy carbohydrates and all the essential calories needed for healthy muscle building. Quinoa can be served either warm or cold, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It has a higher than usual protein content for a grain. It also contains the nutrient zinc that is needed for optimal testosterone production in your body required for gaining muscles.

Lean beef

When it comes to bulking up, sources of protein are the most important. Red meat is a great source of healthy fats and protein, which when consumed regularly can help in the growth of muscle mass. Getting an adequate amount of iron is essential especially while building muscles and training hard. Include dishes that include lean beef to get the perfect healthy bulk up.

Whole eggs

Eggs are high in healthy cholesterol and are great contributors to muscle building. They are a good source of fat and protein in your everyday diet. Making an omelette of a whole egg or simply a scrambled egg is a great way to bulk up.

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