How smoking affects the body

How smoking affects the body

It is a known fact that smoking tobacco is injurious to health. There are absolutely no safe tobacco products available in the market. Smoking tobacco not only affects the lungs but also pose a threat to your overall health. Studies say that the mortality rate of people who smoke is three times that of non smokers.

Smoking can cause a lot of health complications, both short as well as long term. Smoking tobacco products makes you vulnerable to many health problems over the course of several years. Moreover, some bodily effects are immediate.

Damage to the lungs

When you smoke, you take in extremely harmful substances that can cause severe damage to your lungs. The damage only worsens over time if one does not quit smoking.
Smoking can cause many problems in the respiratory system. People who have the habit of smoking are more susceptible to non-reversible chronic lung conditions such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer.
Withdrawal from tobacco can result in temporary congestion and discomfort while your lungs and airways start healing. If you experience an increased mucus production immediately after you quit smoking, take it as a positive sign of the recovery of your respiratory system.

Cardiovascular health

Smoking causes damage to the cardiovascular system as well. Nicotine causes blood vessels to tighten, restricting the flow of blood in your system. The ongoing narrowing over several years may cause peripheral artery disease.
You are at a greater risk of worsening your heart condition by smoking if you have had a bypass surgery, had a stent placed in your blood vessel, or suffered from a heart attack. Smoking can also increase the blood pressure, weaken the blood vessel walls, and cause blood clots.

Impact on skin, hair and nails

Changes in the color and texture of the skin are some of the obvious signs of smoking. Harmful substances in tobacco can actually change your skin structure. Moreover, studies suggest that smoking excessively increases risk of squamous cell carcinoma or skin cancer.
Smoking can also harmfully affect your fingernails and toenails. The consumption of tobacco makes you vulnerable to fungal nail infections.
Nicotine causes damage to hair as well. Smoking is known to increase the loss of hair and cause balding and greying.

Smoking can also cause a lot of other health problems such as the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus cancer, low sexual performance, Type 2 diabetes, strokes, pneumonia, asthma, and general fatigue.

Quitting smoking is difficult but definitely possible. If you find difficulty in quitting on your own, seek help from your doctor without delay. Today, there are a plenty of prescription and non-prescription medicines to help you quit smoking. There are short and long term benefits of quitting smoking. Find a way to quit smoking and take a step toward a healthier life.

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