Learn about the most common cancers in men

Learn about the most common cancers in men

Cancer is known as a silent killer and the most common cause of death in men. It is curable up to a certain stage after which the doctors usually give up. There are ongoing research studies to find medicines to cure cancer, and, at present, we have medications till three stages of cancer. However, there are symptoms such as urinary changes, blood in urine, unusual coughing, and unexpected weight loss that help prevent cancer in its early stages if noticed soon enough. Some of the mentioned symptoms are strongly connected to cancer, while the rest can be worth knowing of. Listed below are the top men’s cancer as well as the symptoms attached to each of it.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the number one cancer that affects men, and can also lead to death. One in 10 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, and research has shown that this is regarded one of the top men’s cancer. The symptoms attached to prostate cancer are leaking, blood in urine, and pain in the bones in case of high severity. The treatment depends on how aggressive the cancer is and the age of the patient.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is also regarded as one of the top men’s cancer. It is second only to prostate cancer. However, the number of men affected by lung cancer is reducing each year; there are still ways to put a complete stop to lung cancer. Lung cancer is preventative and the major cause of lung cancer is smoking, which is injurious to health. Symptoms include chest pain, difficulty in breathing, and coughing blood.

Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer is also a common top men’s cancer. It is easy to understand and prevent bowel cancer in its early stages. The most common symptoms are change in the urine color and blood clots in that area. It is always better to get checked in case of any symptoms of abnormalcy in urine. Too much of alcohol consumption is a major cause of bowel cancer in men as it disturbs their bladder, and the risk increases with age.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer affects more men than women, and it can be easily preventable if known in the early stages. The most common symptoms are change in the color, size, and shape of a freckle or a mole. Avoiding sunlight for longer duration and keeping your skin healthy is the most important that the men forget to do. Skin cancer affects men who have lots of freckles and light complexion.

These are the top men’s cancers that can be prevented easily if diagnosed early. The best way to prevent any type of cancer is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to avoid smoking and drinking. It is always better to be safe than sorry!

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