Lifestyle Changes and Remedies for Depression
People may have episodes of sadness for no reason, or they may become withdrawn and not want to be bothered. these symptoms may go overlooked, and considered a normal part of everyday life. This could also be the onset of depression. Depression can range from mild to severe, and the more severe cases are known as Clinical Depression. Some of the symptoms include feeling sad, tearful, empty, or hopeless, exhibiting angry outbursts, loss of interest in normal things, tiredness, loss of appetite, and anxiety or agitation.
There could also be some unexplained aches and pains. Sometimes, mood stabilizing foods will help:
1. Leafy green veggies
Dark green leafy vegetables are to start the mood stabilizing foods list for clinical depression. Leafy vegetables are rich in many of the nutrients that help fight inflammation, and they help the body to function properly. This would include spinach, kale, and Swiss chard.
2. Walnuts
Walnuts are rich in the omega 3 fatty acids which are great mind boosting supplements. Walnuts are the richest plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The omega 3 supports brain function, and it reduces the symptoms of depression.
3. Avocados
The Oleic acids in avocados provides brain power. These can be eaten everyday either whole or in a salad or on a sandwich. They contain this healthy fat that the brain needs to help it run smoothly. One avocado also contains four grams of protein, vitamin K, and different kinds of vitamin B.
4. Dark berries
Berries are good to eat, and they are full of antioxidants for cell repair. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and black berries are foods with the highest content of antioxidants available. It has been proven that people who have consumed foods with antioxidants had a lower depression score. Antioxidants are what fixes cells to help prevent many health disorders.
5. Foods to avoid
There are also foods that should be avoided if depression is present. These foods can enhance the symptoms which will cause an even higher depression score. Foods to avoid include:
- Processed foods: and processed oils can impair brain function, and make the symptoms of depression worse. These saturated and refined fats can also trigger inflammation. This includes the fats in red, and processed meats, safflower and corn oil, and the trans fat that is present in some processed foods.
- Refined foods: like junk foods, and fast foods are not only low in nutrients they are also high in calories. People who consume large quantities of these foods are more at risk of having depression than people who eat more healthy foods. Processed foods that are high in refined carbs and sugars contribute to this high risk of depression.
- Alcohol: is a beverage that should be avoided by people at risk of being depressed. Alcohol is a proven link to mental health problems. Many people use it as a means of coping with the symptoms of depression, but it can aggravate, and cause new bouts of the disorder. Be sure to see a doctor if you or a loved one is suspected of suffering from depression disorder. Have a lifestyle change by eating healthier, and avoiding foods that may add to the risk of depression.