Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the lungs and is characterized by the spread of abnormal cells that do not stop reproducing. There are two major kinds of lung cancer, non small-cell lung cancer and small-cell lung cancer.

The first type, which is the non small-cell lung cancer, is further divided into three types: adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The symptoms of non small-cell lung cancer include fatigue, persistent coughing, unexplained weight loss, chest pain, and bone aches, among others. There are a number of therapies and treatment methods that patients with non small-cell lung cancer can opt for. The non small-cell lung cancer treatment options depend on the stage of cancer.

Occult cancer treatment

This phase involves timely treatment during the early stages of cancer. In this phase, the malignant cells are not obvious in the bronchoscopy or imaging tests. These tests are repeated every few months to check if a tumor is present, and the rest of the treatment then depends on the stage of the tumor.

Stage 0 non small-cell lung cancer

The non small-cell lung cancer treatment options for this stage include laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, and brachytherapy. The next treatment option for this stage of cancer is surgery. Any surgery is only performed if the patient is healthy enough to undergo it.

Stage 1 non small-cell lung cancer

The treatment for this phase is only surgery. A segmentectomy, wedge resection, sleeve resection, lobectomy, or a pneumonectomy is performed depending on the location and severity of the tumor. Patients with a higher risk of relapsing may also undergo chemotherapy sessions post the surgery.

Stage 2 non small-cell lung cancer

This phase of cancer is also treated with surgery. Lobectomy or sleeve resection is the main procedure involved. Patients with this stage of cancer may also need to get any affected lymph nodes removed. The surgery is usually followed by multiple chemotherapy sessions.

Stage 3A non small-cell lung cancer

The treatment for this stage involves a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or surgery. The treatment is usually initiated with chemotherapy and then followed by radiation therapy. Surgery is usually the last resort to remove any remaining cancer cells.

Stage 3B non small-cell lung cancer

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the most preferred methods of treatment. Surgery is only opted for if the patient is healthy enough to undergo it. Usually the first two methods should be enough to treat the patients for most cases.

Stage 4 non small-cell lung cancer

This is the most serious stage of cancer where cancer has spread to more body parts, making it extremely difficult to be treated completely. This phase of cancer is hard to cure but multiple treatment options such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and even surgery can be opted to relieve the symptoms.

Even after undergoing the above mentioned non small-cell lung cancer treatment options, patients are advised to get themselves checked regularly for any relapse or recurrence of cancer.

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