Overview-High Cholesterol

Overview-High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a common condition found not only in middle-aged and elderly people but also in the younger generation. It may lead to a number of heart-related and other problems, and hence it is important to fight it.

But, let us first understand the disease. Here’s an overview of high cholesterol.

What is high cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a kind of waxy substance found in the blood. Our cells require cholesterol. That requirement is fulfilled by our body. However, we also get cholesterol from various food items like red meat, eggs, butter, and cheese. When the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, it starts building up in the arteries. This is the beginning of heart and blood flow-related issues.

What are the types?

There are majorly two types of cholesterol: Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL). While LDL is considered to be the bad cholesterol, HDL is referred to as good cholesterol. An excess of LDL cholesterol is a major concern.

What are its symptoms?

High cholesterol may often lead to severe problems like heart attack and stroke. Some of its common symptoms are chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, numbness in the extremities, back or upper abdomen pain, and extreme fatigue.

What are the causes?

Some of the common causes of high cholesterol are:

  • Food

    Consuming food with high trans fat, saturated fats, and cholesterol are common causes of high cholesterol. Some of these foods include biscuits, cakes, candies, fried food, cheese, butter, and others.

  • Obesity

    Having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more increases the risk of cholesterol. Apart from this, having a large waist circumference is also a major concern. In men, the waist circumference of 102 centimeters or more is considered a high-risk factor.

  • Age

    Age also plays an important factor in case of high cholesterol. As individual ages, the chances of having high cholesterol increases. Cholesterol level starts to increase from the age of 20.

  • Diabetes

    Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with high cholesterol. A high level of blood sugar increases LDL cholesterol. It also damages the lining of the arteries.

  • Family history

    If high cholesterol runs in an individual’s family, then he/she is more likely to get the same.

What is the diagnosis?

There are no clear symptoms of high cholesterol in particular. It does not make the patient feel sick. A blood test is the only way to know if the patient has high cholesterol.

What are the treatments?

It is important to lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke after being diagnosed with high cholesterol. Medicine recommended by a medical practitioner works best in this case. But that’s not enough. Adopting some healthy lifestyle changes is also essential. These include:

  • Stay physically active. Walk, take the stairs, and exercise regularly.
  • Stop smoking
  • Lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Eat food items that are healthy for the heart. Increase the intake of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy foods, and whole grains, among others.

Changing lifestyles have increased the cases of high cholesterol. It is essential to understand the importance of a healthy heart and fight such conditions.

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