Overview of Adult ADHD
In both adults and children, mental health is just as important as physical wellness. Thanks to the growing awareness about the importance of mental health, more and more people are coming forward for therapy and diagnosis. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a common psychological disorder that affects children mostly but is also prevalent in adults.
Here is an overview of adult ADHD-
Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that is characterized by problems such as difficulty in paying attention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. This disorder can cause a number of problems in the personal and professional life of an individual, and it may even cause other psychological problems like low self-esteem.
ADHD is not a disorder that occurs suddenly, and that’s why adults who have just discovered ADHD are considered as adults with childhood ADHD that was never diagnosed and treated. ADHD may also be set off by a number of other factors like hyperthyroidism, seizure disorder, or even head trauma.
The symptoms of adult ADHD present themselves in childhood and continue as the individual grows. In most of the cases of adult ADHD, the symptoms are not noticed till the individual is an adult. Some of the symptoms of adult ADHD are as follows-
- Difficulty paying attention
- Trouble in prioritizing things
- Trouble with organizational skills
- Lack of time management skills
- Mood swings
- Short temper
- Trouble coping with stress
- Low tolerance for frustration
- Difficulty in following through and completing tasks
- Impulsive behavior
- Inability to multitask
- Excessive restlessness
These are just a few of the many symptoms. Experiencing these symptoms does not always mean you have adult ADHD, as some of these symptoms may be experienced by everyone in general. These symptoms are classified as adult ADHD when they occur very frequently and at a degree of severity that may cause problems in the individual’s personal and professional life. It is better to see a doctor if such symptoms are experienced regularly and severely. These symptoms may also be an indication of other mental health problems like anxiety and mood disorders. A doctor may be able to pinpoint the exact problem.
Some of the factors that cause adult ADHD are as follows-
- Family history of ADHD is an important factor
- Lead exposure as a child can also increase the probability of the child getting ADHD
- Improper development of the central nervous system is also another cause
Adult ADHD treatment methods are similar to those of ADHD in children. These treatments include oral medications and psychotherapy. However, the medications used for treating ADHD in children and adults are different.
Consult a doctor at the earliest if you feel that you may be showing signs of adult ADHD. It can be tackled easily with the right treatment plan to help you get your personal and professional life back on track. It is important to overcome the stigma of undergoing mental health treatment to get the best results. Do not overlook all these symptoms because they will prove to harm your life at large. This was the overview of adult ADHD.