Pancreatic cancer – signs and symptoms
The pancreas is a gland that is found behind the lower part of the stomach. Its function is to secrete insulin, which regulates sugar in the blood, and digestive enzymes, which help in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Cancer that affects pancreas is known as Pancreatic Cancer. It is considered among the most fatal diseases especially because it easily spreads to other organs surrounding it. That is why abnormal and uncontrollable growth of cells in the large pancreatic gland is a major cause of worry. Pancreatic cancer is mainly found in people above the age of 70. It is less frequent in people below the age of 40.
Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
- There is an abnormal and unusual pain in the pancreas that increases when you lie down, and this pain spreads to your back.
- Jaundice is another obvious symptom, wherein your urine color changes to dark yellow.
- Fluctuation that is too intense and sudden in blood sugar levels may cause weakness, unconsciousness, a coma, or even death.
- Since the pancreatic gland is affected, it can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues. Regular stomach issues is an obvious symptom of Pancreatic Cancer.
There are several causes that lead to pancreatic cancer that you should know about to practice early prevention. The cancer grows with age due to the inability of the gland to fight against the growing cells.
- Smoking is injurious to health and damages the pancreatic gland.
- Diseases like diabetes and ulcers increases the chances of pancreatic cancer, making the prevention difficult.
- The cancer is sometimes inherited if an ancestor has suffered from any chronic disease. However, there are heavy chances of you developing it yourself rather than inheriting it.
With the increase in the number of causes, there are several risk factors attached to the disease. There is a sudden abnormal loss in weight as the gland is unable to effectively perform digestive functions. One can start vomiting caused due to improper digestion process. The pain increases with increase in the growth of the cancer, and it becomes unbearable after eating or while lying down. The small intestine is also damaged as it is the closest to the pancreas, making one’s health condition even worse.
One major problem with pancreatic cancer is that it cannot be detected in early stages as it starts showing its effects only when it grows to a particular degree. Once diagnosed, the treatment will depend on the intensity and location of the cancer. Medications can be given if the cancer is not too severe, else you will have to opt for surgery followed by chemotherapy to prevent further growth of cancer cells. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so follow a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and lead a healthy lifestyle by staying clear of smoking and drinking.