Signs and Prevention of Hair Loss

Signs and Prevention of Hair Loss

Hair loss in men is both common and normal. It affects one in three men by the time they are 30 years and almost 50 percent of men have experienced at least some form of hair loss by the time they reach 50 years of age. With the advent of science and technology, hair loss can be prevented if the early signs and symptoms are noticed and taken care of. Let’s start by understanding the signs and prevention of hair loss.

Early signs of hair loss

A receding hairline is the first sign of hair loss. Along with this, visible scalp also indicates that hair is being lost more rapidly than it is growing. Most men start to notice that now they can see their scalp in between hair at the back. In the front, it is always the old M-shaped hairline that indicates that hair is moving back.

Prevention of hair loss

The problem with genetic hair loss is that it cannot be prevented. It can be helped only with some hair regrowth medications and in most cases, it comes down to hair transplant. Prevention is possible only for hair loss, which has been caused by stress, as a side effect of some medicine or, due to over usage of hair products.

Treatment of hair loss

There are many products in the market that claim that they can stop hair loss and help in regeneration of cells. Most of these products are fake and advertise their brand falsely. Doctors and scientists, after a lot of research, have come up with a few medicines that have been approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss in men. These medicines have been proven to slower the hair loss rate and some are also capable of helping boost hair growth at the bald spots.

  • Minoxidil

    Minoxidil is a topical medication, which is available over-the-counter and no prescription is required to purchase it. It is available in various strengths and is well known to work in the crown part of the head. Experts say that Minoxidil performs better when it comes to preventing further hair loss rather than growing new hair. Plus, this medicine does not do anything for the receding hairline, which is the major issue with most men.

  • Finasteride

    Finasteride is an FDA-approved medication, which can be used only by men who are going through androgenic hair loss. This medication reduces hair loss by blocking the action of natural hormones in scalp hair follicles. The main use of this medication is to prevent hair loss but it also manages to grow some hair at the bald spots. This medicine has some adverse side effects; hence, it is best taken under a doctor’s supervision.

Hair loss is a common condition that men suffer from. For most men, it takes away their self confidence. Thankfully, now there are some remedies that might help in hair loss prevention and treatment; but, the best way to approach them will be through an expert doctor.

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