Top high protein foods for vegan athletes

Top high protein foods for vegan athletes

There is a strongly held view among many individuals that an athlete cannot be a vegan. In the current day context, when a large number of men and women from varying professions and fields of life are consciously opting for meat and dairy-free food, the question arises about how athletes, especially those who are involved in high-end competitive sports can cope and sustain their performance on a vegan diet.



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Eggs and dairy products such as milk, cheese, and cottage cheese are among the most commonly available sources of protein for those who prefer to follow a plant-based diet. However, in the case of vegans,especially the athletes, when even these sources of protein are eliminated from their diet, the best high-protein foods available include grains and nuts, not to mention soy and soy-based products.

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Meat remains one of the few sources of vitamin B12, which is considered essential for everyone. Meat is especially necessary for athletes. Vitamin B12 levels need to be adequate in order to prevent muscle fatigue and enhance the endurance of the athletes. Unfortunately, an entirely plant-based diet would be near devoid of vitamin B12. However, on the plus side, there are now a large number of cereals and vegan food products that are fortified with vitamin B12 so that an athlete gets their daily requirement of vitamin B12.

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A good diet plan requires the inclusion of adequate protein and most athletes require at least 90 to 100 grams of protein intake per day. Merely adding a handful of cereals or sprouts to one’s salad would not have a major impact. Supplementation with vegan high-protein foods is essential for athletes who choose to be vegan. Moreover, one needs to consume a variety of proteins spread throughout the day to ensure the production of all the necessary amino acids. Apart from this, it is also essential that the diet plan of athletes who are vegans includes adequate carbohydrates and both macro and micronutrients to ensure sufficient energy, stamina, and endurance. Although many people fail to give importance to hydration, they must remember that staying hydrated all the time is another significant component.

High-protein foods that are vegan and plant-based are now increasingly popular and more accessible both at retail stores and online as well. Some of the best high-protein foods that can be included in the daily meal plan of any athlete who is vegan by choice would include the following.

  • Nut, butter, sourced from non-dairy sources such as peanuts, cashew nuts, almonds and so on
  • Non-dairy milk, including soy milk, almond milk, melon seed milk and so on
  • Sprouted whole grain bread can be another source of protein
  • Large servings of tofu and tempeh
  • Spinach, green beans, green peas, and legumes are excellent high-protein foods.
  • Quinoa
  • Kidney beans, pinto beans, and other such beans are also considered as excellent high-protein foods.

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