Upper body strengthening guide

Upper body strengthening guide

The gym often does feel like the last place anyone would want to go to. It is daunting, and one can often feel like they are too deep into their unhealthy lifestyle to come out. However, that is simply a myth. The gym can just as easily be a retreat for you. Moreover, you will be achieving the results for all your effort. What better way to start your workout than some basic muscle training?

Many people fear the prospect of muscle training due to the magnitude of the perceived effort they are required to put in. If you were to divide your workout into tiny bits and pace it over the span of a week, it becomes a lot easier to stick to.

Perhaps, the very foundation of a healthy body is strength. This is why strength and muscle training are far more important than any form of cardio training. Here are a few exercises to help you build your chest and shoulders, which are your two main muscle areas.

Dumbbell bench press

If you are a beginner at lifting, then this is the best possible exercise to set you on the right track. It helps set a base for the more intense lifting exercises such as bench press. It requires a few dumbbells, preferably in different weight categories. The form and basis are simple.
Lie down on your back and hold a dumbbell in each hand placed on your thigh. As you lift the dumbbells straight up, twist your thumbs so that they face each other. Make sure the weights do not hit each other with force when you lift them. They should barely touch. Lower your arms and spread your elbows as far as they can go. This completes one rep. Repeat for a total of 10 reps and take it forward.

Decline pushup

This exercise gets a lot of flack for being painfully unforgiving. It still holds the position for being the best way to work your shoulders and back with minimal impact and risk for injury. You are probably already aware of the form of a push up, but this tiny twist can make it slightly more challenging.
Simply get in the traditional pushup position, but place your feet on an elevated surface instead of having them on the ground. The challenge is to keep your back straight despite the natural tendency to curl. This gives your upper chest more of a workout than a simple push up.


Working your chest and shoulder is a great way to get started on your strength and muscle training journey. These exercises are simple and require little to no equipment, can be done anywhere, and do not take more than 30 minutes with generous breaks in between. So get started on your fitness journey!

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