Why taking a break from technology is necessary for a healthy lifestyle

Why taking a break from technology is necessary for a healthy lifestyle

The fixation on technological gadgets has increased without limits in recent years due to the need to stay connected to the world. This increasing need has led to psychological stress and individuals leading an unhealthy lifestyle where these individuals, who are hooked to the Internet or social media and other interesting platforms, tend to lose sight of their day to day and normal existence. The technological addiction through smartphones especially has reached the level where we use our phones anywhere and everywhere and ignore the world except through virtual connectivity. Here is a brief explanation on the two main reasons why you need to take a break from technology to cleanse your body and mind:

Cut out the dissatisfaction:

Constantly checking one’s social media pages and the remaining interesting news around the world, other than the significant ones, can cause one anxiety or bouts of depression. This results from being dissatisfied with their own lives and the sadness of not being able to live their lives like others. For e.g., a person checking their Facebook page of a friend who is travelling around the world will at times upset the reader or cause jealousy/envy in them. The fear of missing out is a newly recognized psychological stress that most people undergo as a result of being hooked to the virtual world. This can be naturally avoided and one can develop satisfaction and gratification for what they have only when they value themselves above what is posted by someone else. At the end of the day, one needs to live for themselves rather than being stressed about immaterial things. This is one of the reasons why you need to take a break from technology.

The need for privacy:

It is important to remember that one’s personal life should stay personal and not be flashed to the rest of the world. Psychological analysis of people who overuse social media has shown that they look for acceptance through a virtual world and when they fail to get the desired results, they tend to fall into a depression spiral. Sometimes, or rather most times, one should learn to accept themselves in the reality and try not to project themselves in a different persona. Moreover, there are also other harms such as abuse, robbery, theft, etc. that occur as a result of letting out too much of personal information on the Internet. This is another reason why one has to take a break from technology.

The main problem that arises as a result of being over connected to technology is that the individuals tend to lose out on a social life in their real world. They ignore real face-to-face conversations, ignore their friends and family, and do everything just for showing off. In order to rid oneself of problems that can be extremely harmful in the long run, one should concentrate on the reality and consciously avoid the overuse of technology. Moreover, they should also concentrate on the reason why one has to take a break from technology.

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