Workout your lower abs to get the abdominal V

Workout your lower abs to get the abdominal V

The abdominal V, which is the elusive sculpture in men’s lower abs, is something that most women love to see in their boyfriends or husbands. Apart from enhancing your attractiveness to women, it also acts as a confidence booster. You may even have seen such figures in magazines and gyms and wished to have one. Feeling envious? You too can get this if you have the attitude to work out hard. You need an aggressive abdominal workout and cut out fat from your food.

Aggressive abdominal workout

When working on how to get an abdominal V, you need to work out your lower abdominal muscles. There is the rectus abdominis muscle that runs down straight from below your chest to the pelvis. This muscle is responsible for the formation of the six packs as well. Working out as well as strengthening the lower end of this muscle can answer your question of how to get the abdominal V. To achieve the desired result, you have to undergo a definite schedule of workouts. Not only abdominal workouts, you need to also do a variety of them. While some exercises will build core strength, others will reduce the risk of back pain resulting from intensive exercise. Let us go through one of the best lower ab exercises for abdominal V.

Hanging legs raises

If anybody asks you about how to get the abdominal V you can confidently say that you got it by doing hanging leg raises. Actually, this is a very good exercise for your lower abs. Your perfection and performance in the exercise depend solely upon how much stress you can put on your lower abdominal muscles.

Get yourself hanging from a bar with straight and upwardly extended arms. Get a grip that facilitates hanging. Legs should also be straight down. Now try raising your legs just with the sheer strength of your abdominal muscles. What comes into play here are the lower abdominal and pelvic muscles. Raise the legs until they make about a 90-degree angle with the body. Exhale while pulling up your leg and hold the contraction in the abdomen for few seconds. Now slowly take your legs down to the initial position all the while relying on the abdominal muscles to make it a slow process. Breathe in while bringing your legs down. Repeat it, but you should consult your gym trainer for the recommended number of repetitions.


All the while during the exercise your position should be straight. If there is any twist or turn, you may suffer from back pain or injuries.
Some people perform this exercise on a vertical bench, which is easier. You can talk to your gym trainer regarding how to get the abdominal V. Your arms, which are under tremendous strain during the exercise, will get some support in a vertical bench.

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