How to develop muscle endurance
When a group of muscles or a muscle sustains repeated force against resistance for a long period, it is called muscle endurance. The ability of the muscles to exert more than what they naturally can is nothing but the stamina of the muscles. People strive for muscle endurance when there is a need to use muscles more than normal or if you want it to contract in a particular way. This can happen if you keep repeating the same exercise focusing on that particular muscle. For example, athletes practice running and swimming more than often so that their leg muscles move in a particular and faster way. These are certain exercises you can perform for greater muscle endurance: Plank Plank is a form of exercise that can increase your overall body strength and tighten your muscles so that they can endure pressure. Your legs remain straight, and the entire body is lifted. This helps to tighten your lower back and shoulder muscles. The muscles gain strength and can resist force for a period. Squats People who are concentrating on lower body muscle endurance usually squat it out. In squats, your entire body weight is on your legs, and you bend up and down.